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Protecting High Quality Education in Schools

Parcel Tax - Special Assessment
Parcel taxes are one of two avenues school districts have available to them for increasing
educational funding, and the only local school funding source that can support teachers and academic programs. Parcel taxes provide dedicated funds that cannot be taken away by the State and have supported SRVUSD schools since 2004. Parcel taxes require 2/3 voter approval in order to pass and are levied per parcel of land, rather than being based on the value of the property.
General Obligation Bonds
A form of local borrowing commonly used to fund school facilities that are financed through an increase in local property taxes.  Also referred to as "G.O. bonds", the funds generated can be used for repairing, upgrading, modernizing and building new facilities and for acquiring certain new technology and equipment. School districts can seek either two-thirds or 55% voter approval. If districts seek the 55% approval, they must meet additional accountability requirements.