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High Quality Schools Measures E & F

Message from our Board President:

Message from our Board President:

Dear SRVUSD Community,
If you had not already heard the news, I am thrilled to share that Measure Q has passed, in no small part to the incredible support and hard work of so many of you in our community. On behalf of the Board of Education, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all who volunteered their time, made their voices heard, and worked tirelessly to make sure this critical measure passed. Your dedication is a powerful reminder of what we can achieve when we all come together for our students, staff, and the entire educational community.

Read the full letter Here

San Ramon Valley Unified School District (SRVUSD) is one of the highest performing school districts in the nation, with more National Blue Ribbon schools this past year than any other district in the State or nation. Our local schools are generously supported by $6.8 million annually from an existing voter-approved local parcel tax measure that will expire in 2025.
The Board of Trustees of SRVUSD placed Measure Q on the November 5, 2024 ballot for voter consideration. 
"Without increasing current tax rates, to renew expiring local school funding that cannot be taken by the State; attract/retain highly qualified teachers; support academic programs in science, technology, engineering, arts, math, reading, writing; and prepare students to compete for college/careers; shall San Ramon Valley Unified School District’s measure renewing its existing $144 annual parcel tax be adopted at the same rate, providing approximately $6.8 million annually for 9 years, with senior exemptions, independent oversight, no funds for administrator salaries?"
Student working at home