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Head Lice Protocol: Procedures and Classroom Management 

Head Lice Protocol: Procedures and Classroom Management 

The lice management policies of the San Ramon Valley Unified School District are guided by the California Public Health Department (CDPH), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the National Association of School Nurses (NASN).
The district’s head lice surveillance and control approach is based on sound scientific research and best practices. We believe that sharing information about head lice infestations should be done only on a "need-to-know" basis, and we take student privacy very seriously, complying with all federal privacy laws. We also understand that it is essential to consider each student's developmental level and ability to understand their head lice status.
The child's exclusion from school can adversely affect their emotional, social, and academic well-being and often stigmatizes the child unnecessarily. In addition, transmission of head lice in the classroom setting is low. Therefore, CDPH recommends that children should not be excluded from the classroom based on finding head lice or nits. 
For the effective control of head lice in schools and childcare facilities, CDPH recommends a multipronged approach:
  • Early detection of head lice infestations through routine screening by parents and caregivers.
  • Treatment of children found to have live lice.
  • Distribution of educational material on head lice, nit combing, and treatment. CDPH’s head lice flyer and fact sheet. Parents or guardians are directed to visit the CDPH Head Lice webpage for additional information.
SRVUSD Lice Communication and Education: 
For additional information on head lice, please refer to the following websites: