Contact Information and Help with School Site Issues and Concerns
San Ramon Valley Unified School District firmly believes in the concept of site-level decision-making and problem-solving. Issues and concerns are best resolved first at the classroom level.
However, there are times when a resolution cannot be reached at the classroom level, and a parent, caregiver, or community member may need additional support from the school or even District administration.
In alignment with our Strategic Directions work to build a Culture of Responsiveness, this contact information page provides a clear pathway to be sure that all of our families/caregivers know who to contact for assistance with inquiries and concerns having to do with school sites or the District.
The District will partner with you to ensure that this process has been followed so that issues can be resolved at the earliest opportunity.
Each school site includes contact information for the appropriate staff indicated in the steps below.
Printable versions of the list are linked below as well.
STEP 1Student speaks with Teacher or appropriate Staff Member
STEP 2Student and Parent/Caregiver speak with Teacher or appropriate Staff Member
STEP 3ELEMENTARY (TK-5): Parent/Caregiver contacts school office to connect with Principal
SECONDARY (6-12): Student and/or Parent/Caregiver speaks with Counselor or Assistant Principal
STEP 4Student and/or Parent/Caregiver speaks with Principal
STEP 5Parent/Caregiver contacts the District:
If you need assistance from a District department that is not related to a school site issue, please view our department list by clicking the link below.