Negotiations Updates

Negotiations Update - SRVUSD and SRVEA - Session 3 - february 5, 2025
posted february 5, 2025Negotiations Update - SRVUSD and SRVEA - Session 3 - february 5, 2025![]()
posted february 5, 2025
Negotiations Update - SRVUSD and SRVEA - Session 3 - february 5, 2025
The San Ramon Valley Unified School District (SRVUSD) negotiations team and the San Ramon Valley Education Association (SRVEA) negotiations team met on February 5, 2025, for the third session of negotiations related to budget reductions.
Key aspects of the proposals are outlined for reference only and may not cover all details of the scope of changes proposed. For further details, please see each proposal exchanged with the hyperlinks included below.
The session lasted a few hours, during which the District presented a counterproposal to SRVEA for the Class Size MOU. The parties also discussed next steps regarding the Safety Conditions of Employment Article.
SRVUSD Proposals Provided - February 5, 2025
San Ramon Valley Unified in alignment with the approved Budget Reduction Plan, the District presented the following proposals:
- District Counter Proposal to SRVEA: Memorandum of Understanding (MOU): Class Size for the 2025-26, 2026-27 and 2027-28 school years.
- The District’s counter proposal included a contingency on the enactment of the Student Support and Professional Development Discretionary Block Grant in the Governor’s January Budget Proposal for the 2025-26 fiscal year. If enacted, the grant would be used to restore furlough days for all unit members, provided that the grant is:
- Fully discretionary revenue provided to the district
- One-time funding above and beyond the LCFF calculation and not part of the LCFF funding formula
- Totals at least 8 million dollars for the 2025-2026 year, to be apportioned in the 2025-2026 budget year
- Permitted to be expended through June 30, 2028
SRVEA Proposals Provided - February 5, 2025
SRVEA - San Ramon Valley Education Association - SRVEA advised the District team that before it responds to areas of the District’s proposal on furlough days, 4th and 5th-grade class sizes, and middle and high school class sizes, it must first consult with the SRVEA Executive Board, thus SRVEA did not provide a counter proposal today.
Next Steps
No agreements were reached during today’s session. SRVUSD remains committed to working with SRVEA to reach agreements regarding challenging budget reductions while ensuring that the District remains fiscally solvent.
The next negotiation session is scheduled for Tuesday, February 11, 2025, and the draft agenda includes the following:
- Continue discussion on the proposed changes to class size, staffing ratios and furlough days as outlined in the Budget Reduction Plan
- Continue discussion on the Student Support and Professional Development Discretionary Block Grant included in the Governor’s January Budget Proposal for 2025-26
- Continue discussion on Article XIX: Safety Conditions of Employment
Representatives in Attendance for Negotiations Today:
San Ramon Valley Unified School District |
San Ramon Valley Education Association |
Negotiations Update - SRVUSD and SRVEA - Session 2 - february 4, 2025
posted february 4, 2025Negotiations Update - SRVUSD and SRVEA - Session 2 - february 4, 2025![]()
posted february 4, 2025
Negotiations Update - SRVUSD and SRVEA - Session 2 - february 4, 2025
The San Ramon Valley Unified School District (SRVUSD) negotiations team and the San Ramon Valley Education Association (SRVEA) negotiations team met on February 4, 2025, for the second session of negotiations related to budget reductions.
Key aspects of the proposals are outlined for reference only and may not cover all details of the scope of changes proposed. For further details, please see each proposal exchanged with the hyperlinks included below.
SRVUSD Proposals Provided - February 4, 2025
San Ramon Valley Unified in alignment with the approved Budget Reduction Plan, the District presented the following proposals:
- District Counter Proposal to SRVEA: Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Proposal: Protect and Preserve Student Services - key points of the counter offer are summarized below
- Under the Educational Employment Relations Act (EERA), SRVEA’s proposal related to management positions and staffing falls outside the scope of negotiable items as defined by Government Code Section 3540, which governs labor relations for public school employers and employees. Specifically, the law establishes that the union may only negotiate on behalf of bargaining unit members and within the defined scope of representation, which includes items such as wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment for bargaining unit members.
- While these specific proposals cannot be addressed through the collective bargaining process, the District remains committed to transparency in financial planning and will continue to engage with stakeholders, including SRVEA, to support shared goals within our respective roles and legal boundaries.
- The district understands and appreciates the desire to have a retirement incentive for SRVEA members. SRVEA retains its right under collective bargaining to make a formal proposal to the District for such a plan. However, a key aspect of being able to offer such a program is to ensure the District has substantive one-time funding to make payments for any incentive provided. SRVUSD does not have funding for such a purpose, given our need to reduce 3.5 million dollars in the current year.
- The District restated and shared the same scope of reductions outlined in the initial proposal provided on January 23.
- Revenue Enhancement Plan - SRVUSD provided SRVEA with a comprehensive Revenue Enhancement Plan - this codifies in writing many of the concepts and ideas already shared in public settings, such as Budget Advisory Committee Meetings, Town Halls, and Board of Education meetings.
SRVEA Proposals Provided - February 4, 2025
SRVEA - San Ramon Valley Education Association - during today's session, SRVEA provided the following counter-proposal:
- SRVEA Counter Proposal: SRVEA responded to the District’s February 4th counter proposal with a proposal for a Student Support and Professional Development Discretionary Block Grant MOU. Key points are summarized below:
- Conditional on Funding: The MOU depends on the enactment of the Student Support and Professional Development Discretionary Block Grant in the 2025-26 state budget, expected to provide $9 million, one-time dollars to SRVUSD.
- Preservation of Student Support Services: The funds must be used to maintain 2024-25 staffing levels for:
- Elementary counselors
- Middle school student support counselors
- Secondary counseling staff
- Social Workers
- Elementary Rainbow Room school psychologist
- High school teacher librarians
- Bridge Funding: This MOU serves as temporary funding until long-term funding is secured through the District's Revenue Enhancement Plan (February 2025).
- Duration & Amendments: The MOU remains in effect for the 2025-26 fiscal year, with any amendments requiring mutual agreement in writing.
- Contingency Clause: If the block grant is not included in the final state budget, this MOU becomes void.
SRVEA advised the District team that before it responds to areas of the District’s proposal on furlough days, 4th and 5th grade class sizes, and middle and high school class sizes, it must first consult with the SRVEA Executive Board.
Next Steps
No agreements were reached during today’s session. SRVUSD remains committed to working with SRVEA to reach agreements regarding challenging budget reductions while ensuring that the District remains fiscally solvent.
The next negotiation session is scheduled for a half-day, tomorrow, February 5, 2025, and the draft agenda includes the following:
- Student Support and Discretionary Block Grant Mou
Representatives in Attendance for Negotiations Today:
San Ramon Valley Unified School District |
San Ramon Valley Education Association |
Negotiations Update - SRVUSD and CSEA - Session 2 - february 3, 2025
posted february 4, 2025Negotiations Update - SRVUSD and CSEA - Session 2 - february 3, 2025![]()
posted february 4, 2025
Negotiations Update - SRVUSD and CSEA - Session 2 - february 3, 2025
The San Ramon Valley Unified School District (SRVUSD) negotiations team and the California School Employees Association (CSEA) negotiations team met on February 3, 2025, for the second session of negotiations related to budget reductions. During the session, the parties engaged in conversations related to the potential impacts and effects of the District’s proposed reduction in force and furlough days.
Key aspects of the proposals are outlined for reference only and may not cover all of the details of the scope of the proposed changes.
SRVUSD Proposals Provided - February 3, 2025
San Ramon Valley Unified in alignment with the approved Budget Reduction Plan, the District presented the following proposals:
- Initial Proposal- Memorandum of Understanding (MOU): Furlough Days for Unit II
- Reduce the work year for all unit members by two days each year, with a commensurate reduction in salary, for the three-year duration of the next budget cycle (2025-2026 through 2027-2028). Upon expiration of this MOU, the work year for all unit members shall be restored to the current contract language as the 2024-2025 instructional year, and the commensurate salary reductions associated with a shortened work year will no longer be in place.
- The proposed MOU includes language that requires the parties to meet by December 31st of each year to review the District’s financial conditions and assess whether any provisions outlined in the MOU may be considered for restoration.
- Reduce the work year for all unit members by two days each year, with a commensurate reduction in salary, for the three-year duration of the next budget cycle (2025-2026 through 2027-2028). Upon expiration of this MOU, the work year for all unit members shall be restored to the current contract language as the 2024-2025 instructional year, and the commensurate salary reductions associated with a shortened work year will no longer be in place.
- The proposed MOU includes language that requires the parties to meet by December 31st of each year to review the District’s financial conditions and assess whether any provisions outlined in the MOU may be considered for restoration.
The following initial proposals were presented to CSEA on February 3, 2025 and will not be linked as the proposals contain personnel information. More detailed information will be included in the February 25, 2025, Board of Education Meeting Agenda.
- Initial Proposal- Memorandum of Understanding (MOU): Reduction in Force, Impacts and Effects for Unit II
- Initial Proposal - Memorandum of Understanding (MOU): Reduction in Force, Impacts and Effects for Unit III
Next Steps
No agreements were reached during today’s session. SRVUSD remains committed to working with CSEA to reach agreements regarding challenging budget reductions while ensuring that the District remains fiscally solvent.
The next negotiation session is scheduled for February 11, 2025, and the draft agenda includes the following:
- Impacts and effects of the proposed reduction in force
- Furlough Days
Representatives in Attendance for Negotiations Today:
San Ramon Valley Unified School District |
California School Employees Association |
Negotiations Update - SRVUSD and Seiu - Session 2 - January 28, 2025
posted January 28, 2025Negotiations Update - SRVUSD and Seiu - Session 2 - January 28, 2025![]()
posted January 28, 2025
Negotiations Update - SRVUSD and Seiu - Session 2 - January 28, 2025
The San Ramon Valley Unified School District (SRVUSD) negotiations team and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) negotiations team met on January 28, 2025, for the second session of negotiations related to budget reductions.
During the session, the parties engaged in conversations related to potential impacts and effects of the District’s proposed reduction in force. SEIU presented the District with a counter proposal in response to the District’s initial Reduction in Force MOU that was presented during the first negotiation’s session on January 24, 2025.
Key aspects of the proposal are outlined for reference only and may not cover all details of the scope of changes proposed. For further details, please see each proposal exchanged with the hyperlinks included below:
SEIU Proposals Provided - January 28, 2025
SEIU presented the following counter proposals to the District:
- SEIU Counter Proposal to the District - Reduction in Force
SEIU's counter proposal included the following key elements:
- All positions that are currently included in the Budget Reduction Plan for elimination will be maintained for the 2025-26 school year.
- All vacant positions included in the Budget Reduction plan will be frozen, not eliminated at the end of the 2024-25 school year.
Next Steps
No agreements were reached during today’s session. SRVUSD remains committed to working with SEIU to reach agreements regarding challenging budget reductions while ensuring that the District remains fiscally solvent.
The next negotiation session is scheduled for February 14, 2025 and the draft agenda includes the following:
- Impacts and effects - Reduction in Force
- Furlough Days
Representatives in Attendance for Negotiations Today:
San Ramon Valley Unified School District |
School Employees International Union |
Negotiations Update - SRVUSD and CSEA - Session 1 - January 27, 2025
posted January 27, 2025Negotiations Update - SRVUSD and CSEA - Session 1 - January 27, 2025![]()
posted January 27, 2025
Negotiations Update - SRVUSD and CSEA - Session 1 - January 27, 2025
The San Ramon Valley Unified School District (SRVUSD) negotiations team and the California School Employees Association (CSEA) negotiations team met on January 27, 2025, for the first session of negotiations related to budget reductions. During the session, the parties engaged in conversations related to the potential impacts and effects of the District’s proposed reduction in force.
Today’s session was only scheduled for a few hours, and the teams engaged in discussion about the Budget Reduction Plan and implications related to the CSEA positions and workday adjustments. No formal proposals were exchanged between the parties today.
Next Steps
No agreements were reached during today’s session. SRVUSD remains committed to working with CSEA to reach agreements regarding challenging budget reductions while ensuring that the District remains fiscally solvent.
The next negotiation session is scheduled for February 3, 2025, and the draft agenda includes the following:
- Impacts and effects of the proposed reduction in force
- Furlough Days
Representatives in Attendance for Negotiations Today:
San Ramon Valley Unified School District |
California School Employees Association |
Negotiations Update - SRVUSD and Seiu - Session 1 - January 24, 2025
posted January 24, 2025Negotiations Update - SRVUSD and Seiu - Session 1 - January 24, 2025![]()
posted January 24, 2025
Negotiations Update - SRVUSD and Seiu - Session 1 - January 24, 2025
The San Ramon Valley Unified School District (SRVUSD) negotiations team and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) negotiations team met on January 24, 2025, for the first session of negotiations related to budget reductions.
Key aspects of the proposals are outlined for reference only and may not cover all details of the scope of changes proposed. For further details, please see each proposal exchanged with the hyperlinks included below:
SRVUSD Proposals Provided - January 24, 2025
San Ramon Valley Unified in alignment with the approved Budget Reduction Plan, the District presented the following proposals:
- Initial Proposal- Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Reduction In Force, Impacts and Effects
- Reduce 1 Groundskeeper
- Reduce 1 Irrigation Specialist
- Reduce 1 Maintenance Worker III
- Reduce 1 Maintenance Painter
- Reduce 1 Maintenance Electrician
- Reduce 10 Custodians
- Initial Proposal - Furlough Days: Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), for a three-year period, to:
- Reduce the work year for all unit members by two days each year, with a commensurate reduction in salary, for the three-year duration of the next budget cycle (2025-2026 through 2027-2028). Upon expiration of this MOU, the work year for all unit members shall be restored to the current contract language as the 2024-2025 instructional year, and the commensurate salary reductions associated with a shortened work year will no longer be in place.
- The proposed MOU includes language that requires the parties to meet by December 31st of each year to review the District’s financial conditions and assess whether any provisions outlined in the MOU may be considered for restoration.
Next Steps
No agreements were reached during today’s session. SRVUSD remains committed to working with SEIU to reach agreements regarding challenging budget reductions while ensuring that the District remains fiscally solvent.
The next negotiation session is scheduled for January 28, 2025, and the draft agenda includes the following:
- Impacts and effects - Reduction in Force
- Furlough Days
Representatives in Attendance for Negotiations Today:
San Ramon Valley Unified School District |
School Employees International Union |
Negotiations Update - SRVUSD and SRVEA - Session 1 - January 23, 2025
posted January 23, 2025Negotiations Update - SRVUSD and SRVEA - Session 1 - January 23, 2025![]()
posted January 23, 2025
Negotiations Update - SRVUSD and SRVEA - Session 1 - January 23, 2025
The San Ramon Valley Unified School District (SRVUSD) negotiations team and the San Ramon Valley Education Association (SRVEA) negotiations team met on January 23, 2025, for the first session of negotiations related to budget reductions.
Key aspects of the proposals are outlined for reference only and may not cover all details of the scope of changes proposed. For further details, please see each proposal exchanged with the hyperlinks included below.
SRVUSD Proposals Provided - January 23, 2025
San Ramon Valley Unified in alignment with the approved Budget Reduction Plan, the District presented the following proposals:
- Initial Proposal - Class Size: Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), for a three-year period, to:
- Increase class size by 2 students in 4th and 5th grade and maintain the class size overage provision
- Increase staffing ratio by 1 in middle school
- Increase staffing ratio by 2 in high school
- Elimination of the elementary school counselors
- Reduce middle school counseling by .5 FTE per site
- Reduce high school librarian staffing to only 1 credentialed librarian per school site
- Reduce social workers to 1 per high school wellness center and 1 for district-wide support
- The proposed changes would apply for the three-year duration of the next budget cycle (2025-2026 through 2027-2028), at which time the existing class size language of the SRVEA/SRVUSD contract would be reinstated
- The proposed MOU includes language that requires the parties to meet by December 31st of each year to review the District’s financial conditions and assess whether any provisions outlined in the MOU may be considered for restoration
- Initial Proposal - Furlough Days: Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), for a three-year period, to:
- Reduce the work year for all unit members by three days each year, with a commensurate reduction in salary, for the three-year duration of the next budget cycle (2025-2026 through 2027-2028). Upon expiration of this MOU, the work year for all unit members shall be restored to the current contract language as the 2024-2025 instructional year, and the commensurate salary reductions associated with a shortened work year will no longer be in place
- The proposed MOU includes language that requires the parties to meet by December 31st of each year to review the District’s financial conditions and assess whether any provisions outlined in the MOU may be considered for restoration
SRVEA - San Ramon Valley Education Association - during today’s session, SRVEA provided the following counter-proposal:
- SRVEA Counter Proposal to SRVUSD - Protect and Preserve Student Services for 2025-26 through 2027-28
- Class Size and Calendar: All Class Size and Calendar provisions will remain status quo, with no increases in class size across the district and no furlough days for SRVEA members.
- Management will take immediate action to protect and preserve student services by at a minimum doubling the proposed dollar level of the management budget cuts listed in the approved budget reduction plan.
- Superintendent’s and Assistant Superintendents, including Chief Business Officer’s salaries, will be frozen at the 2024-25 levels for these 3 years.
- Management will immediately release a credible revenue increase plan that includes, but not limited to:
- Increase Average Daily Attendance (ADA) by at least 0.5% each year (from the 2024-25 percentage level) of this 3-year MOU (total increase of 1.5% after the 3rd year of this MOU)
- A credible plan that delineates potential financial/expenditure savings through a legally-compliant “early retirement plan” for SRVEA unit members for the 3-years of this MOU
Next Steps
No agreements were reached during today’s session. SRVUSD remains committed to working with SRVEA to reach agreements regarding challenging budget reductions while ensuring that the District remains fiscally solvent.
The next negotiation session is scheduled for February 4, 2025, and the draft agenda includes the following:
- District response to SRVEA- Protect and Preserve Student Services for 2025-26 through 2027-28
- Continue discussion on Article XIX: Safety Conditions of Employment
Representatives in Attendance for Negotiations Today:
San Ramon Valley Unified School District |
San Ramon Valley Education Association |
If you would like to review additional information regarding the process, documents, resources, and iterations of the budget reduction plans, you may view those here: