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Assembly Bill (AB) 101 was approved by Governor Newsom on October 8, 2021. This bill adds the completion of an ethnic studies course as a high school graduation requirement. The course will be offered to 9th grade high school students in SRVUSD, beginning in the 2025-2026 school year. Our district is currently developing an ethnic studies course based on the Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum, adopted by the California State Board of Education on March 18, 2021.

Standards & Framework

What is Ethnic Studies?
According to the History Social Science Framework, “Ethnic studies is an interdisciplinary field of study that encompasses many subject areas including history, literature, economics, sociology, anthropology, and political science. It emerged to both address content considered missing from traditional curriculum and to encourage critical engagement. As a field, ethnic studies seeks to empower all students to engage socially and politically and to think critically about the world around them. It is important for ethnic studies courses to document the experiences of people of color in order for students to construct counter-narratives and develop a more complex understanding of the human experience. Through these studies, students should develop respect for cultural diversity and see the advantages of inclusion. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of this field, ethnic studies courses may take several forms. However, central to any ethnic studies course is the historic struggle of communities of color, taking into account the intersectionality of identity (gender, class, sexuality, among others), to challenge racism, discrimination, and oppression and interrogate the systems that continue to perpetuate inequality”. 

SRVUSD Ethnic Studies Implementation Timeline

ES Timeline 1
ES Timeline 2
ES Timeline 3

Instructional Materials

More information will be provided once the curriculum is approved by the Board or Education.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please review our FAQs.

For More Information

At the Board Meeting on 8/13/24, Policy 6146.1: High School Graduation Requirements was updated.  A semester-long course of Ethnic Studies is required for all 9th grade students, starting in 2025-2026.  You can view the Board Meeting by clicking on the following link:
At the Board Workshop on 11/6/2023, the mandated Ethnic Studies course was discussed.  Please view the presentation from the Board Workshop.  You can view the Board Workshop by clicking on the following link:
Contact Director of Educational Equity, Dr. Hong Nguyen, at