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- Course Catalog: Middle/High
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- Start Smart Program
- Student Wellness Centers
- High School Advancement via Outside Institution
- Work Permit
- SRV Council of PTAs
- SRV Education Foundation
- Flyer Approval
- Volunteer Requirements
- Health Services
- Report a Concern
- Grade Reform Committee
- County Connection Discounts
- Annual Parents' Rights and Responsibilities
Middle School-6 Period Day
Middle school students (and families) have the option of taking 6 or 7 classes. No student is required to reduce the number of classes from 7 unless they choose to do so.
Middle School students may choose to take a 6 period day. Their unscheduled period must be either the first or last period of the day. Students should not be on campus during their unscheduled period due to supervision issues.
By choosing a 6 period day, students will have one fewer elective. For example, students can opt out of Culinary Arts. Students cannot opt out of core classes such as math or PE.
If a student elects to take Independent Study PE, s/he must choose a 7 period day. ISPE will be one of the 7 periods on the student's schedule.
Summer Option for Promoted 8th Graders
Upon completing 8th grade, students will be eligible to take summer school courses that will appear on their high school transcript and will count towards high school graduation credit.