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Work Permit

During the School Year
To obtain a work permit during the school year, submit your fully completed work permit request for high school to your school's career center and for middle school to your counselor tech/registrar.  Please check your school site for contact information. They will use this worksheet to create the actual work permit that your employer will need. Please note that the form must be completed by all parties, student, parent and employer in order to be processed.  Work permits will be completed by email only not in person.  The turnaround time is 24 hours.  
Summer Work Permits
Summer work permits will be processed by the district office beginning June 10, 2024.  You may submit your fully completed work permit request by email to Helen Burrows at  Please note that the form must be completed by all parties, student, parent and employer in order to be processed.  If you are going to be employed by more than one business you will need a work permit for each employer.  The work permit turnaround time is 24 hours.  Due to the high volume of work permit request coming in at this time, the processing turnaround time may take up to 72 hours.
Entertainment Industry
Information about a work permit application specific only to the entertainment industry is available on the State of California Department of Industrial Relations page.  You may obtain an entertainment work permit here.  After completion by the parent and school representative (see above for representative), this application will need to be mailed or presented to any office of the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement for issuance of your work permit. (If needed during summer please email the district office at  Work permits will be issued within 3 business days and emailed to you.  The nearest office is located at 1515 Clay Street in Oakland.
Graduates under Age 18
High school graduates under the age of 18, who are not subject to the compulsory education laws, are entirely excluded from permit requirements, work hour restrictions, and all occupational prohibitions. However, under federal regulation high school graduates may not be employed in an occupation prohibited to minors under 18 unless they have also completed a bona fide course of training in that occupation. [29 CFR 570.50] “Dropouts” are still subject to California’s compulsory education laws, and thus are subject to all state child labor requirements.
To find out additional information from the California Department of Labor and frequently asked questions from the California Department of Education.