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Suicide Prevention

Student wellness is a top priority for the San Ramon Valley Unified School District.  For years, the District has put into place education and prevention programs at all grade levels to assist students’ mental health.
These educational programs include “Signs of Suicide” Prevention Program curriculum for SRVUSD students in grades 7th, 9th and 11th. Parents are informed about the topics of depression and suicide being presented, and are invited to a parent evening to view the video presentation and participate in a discussion. Mental health awareness trainings in the area of depression and anxiety awareness are also provided at the elementary school level by school psychologists.
In addition to the specific suicide prevention program, SRVUSD schools offer skill building programs that help identify and support at-risk students by building coping, problem-solving and cognitive skills while addressing related problems such as stress, depression and other brain conditions, and substance abuse (e.g., Second Step, Steps to Respect, Character Counts).  Peer leadership programs teach selected students skills to identify and help peers who may be at risk. Some programs teach peer leaders to build connectedness among students and also between students and staff, which improves the school climate (e.g., student-led clubs, Let’s Bring Change 2 Mind, Sources of Strength).
Starting in the 2017-2018 school year, all SRVUSD staff receive online training on how to identify warning signs and symptoms of depression and suicidal ideation.Key staff and teaching faculty receive additional training in recognizing depressive symptoms; the warning sign, risk factors, and protective factors for suicide  SRVUSD school psychologists, counselors, and resource officers meet annually to review protocols, assessment tools, and community resources.
In the fall of 2017, SRVUSD released its “Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Toolkit for Schools.” This Toolkit reinforces the District’s on-going efforts to support student wellness. A special thanks to the many counselors and school psychologists who created the district’s comprehensive toolkit.  Without their tireless efforts and many hours of research and editing, this district resource would not have been possible.